Sunday, December 11, 2011

Help me ith a question about highschool and board of ed ?

hi my name is Donna and I go to a charter school. just a year ago I found out I had many stomach problems like acid reflex, gastric ulcers and gastritis. so I am pretty much alway in pain. but last year I went to school way more then I did this year. and when I'm absent I always email my teachers and get my work I missed that day. I used to be a 3.4 student with all a's and two or three b's. and in grammar school I was a 4.0 student. but that all changed this. during the summer time I was always sick from cramping pains, to nausea, or even vomiting. I start school in august, so I don't have much time off, I was always in and out of the hospital and doctors trying to find so medicine to help me but not much work make a difference. so my family and I decided to change doctors and get a stomach doctor, about a month into school I found out I had ibs - irritable bowel syndrome. and if you don't know kid with this can't take medicine unless your a certain age, and I'm too young. so I have to deal with the pain everyday no-stop.and it gets worse when I'm stressed out. and I have been stressed out everyday about school , I have been in bed everyday and night in pain crying. because of school, my deans are no help at all. not once did they call to ask me about anything. and most of my teachers weren't sending me work. so my dad decided to go to my school and talk to them. they told him I was going to fail. and that made everything worse on me. I'm always upset about school , I want to beable to graduate with my friends. but I asked them if I could be home schooled until I felt better or take online cles and they ignored me. and that my story, so I as wondering if I could go to the board of education and tell them what's been going on and ask them not to hold me back because of everything and because I asked my dean to let me do home schooling, and they never once tried to help menwith anything. I was just wondering if anyone knows if I can help myself from not failing?

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